PS Digitization Project
PS documents by Groups / Series |
AA | AD | AE | AE(2) | AL/ALO | AR | AR(2) | BD |
BR | BT | CA | CO/CCI | CD/CDI | CLIC | COP | CTF3 | |
EA | ED | EE | EI | EM | EN | ENS | |
Energy | EP | FES | GE | HBC | HI | HP | LEA LEAR |
LP/LPI | MA | MD | ME | MG | ML | MM | |
MS | MU | Nufact | NP | OP | PA | PO/POW | PP | |
PSO | PSR | RF | SA | SC | SE | SM | SR | |
TH | VA | 1st PS Reports | By Authors | PS Bulletin Info |
PS documents by Committees |
PS Staff Meetings | Machine Operation Committee (MOC) | Parameters Committee | Running-in Committee (RIC) |
Installation Committee (ICM) |
For more information about the PS internal structure from 1952 to 2002 Search on CDS (CERN Document Server): PS Archives |
Documents | Series | Groups | Years |
AA | AA Series | Antiproton Accumulator: AA fusioned with LEA group to form AR group in 1988. Antiproton Accumulator Running In (AAC-RI) Antiproton Collector (AC - ACOL) - TITAC - TACTIC |
1978-1987 |
AD | AD Series | Antiproton Decelerator | 1997-2002 |
AE | AE Series | Acceleration and Ejection: AE Group moved to EI group in 1979 | 1974-1978 |
AE2 | AE2 Series | Accelerators and Experimental Areas | 2000-2002 |
AL/ALO | AL/ALO Series | Apparatus Layout: AL group moved to MU group in July 1964 | 1960-1964 |
AR | AR Series | Accelerator Research. This group became a division in 1961 | 1958-1959 |
AR2 | AR2 Series | Antiproton Rings: This group was created by the fusion of AA and LEAR groups | 1988-1996 |
BD | BD Series | Beam Diagnostics | 1991-2002 |
BR | BR Series | Booster (B): It was a sub-group in MU group Booster (BR): BR fusioned with LIN group to form HI group in 1988 |
1966-1967 1972-1987 |
BT | BT Series | Beam Transport - Beam Transfer (since 1983): This group was created from EI group in 1982. BT moved to RF group in 1988 |
1982-1987 |
CA | CA Series | Circular Accelerators & Areas | 1997-2000 |
CO/CCI | CO/CCI Series | Machine Group-Computer (MG-CO) : 1960 Computer (CO) : 1961-1973. This group moved to CCI and OP groups in 1974 Computer Control and Instrumentation (CCI), 1974-1978 Controls (CO) : 1979-2002 |
1960-2002 |
CD/CDI | CD/CDI Series | Cyclotron Development: This group moved to SC group in 1982 | 1976-1981 |
CLIC until 2002 |
CLIC Series until 2002 |
Compact e+e- Linear Collider. All CLIC Notes | 1985-2002 |
COP | COP Series | Synchro-Cyclotron (SC) Operation: This group moved to SC group in 1982 | 1976-1981 |
CTF2/3 | CTF2/3 Series | CLIC Test Facility (CTF2/CTF3) | 1997-2002 |
DI/DL/DIR | DI/DL/DIR Series | Direction - Division Leader | 1958-2002 |
EA | EA Series | Experimental Area : EA Group became NPA division Experimental Areas Experimental Areas : This group fusioned with PSR group to form PA group in 1988 |
1958-1960 1976 1985-1987 |
ED | ED Series | Electrical Development: ED moved to PO group in 1982 | 1964-1981 |
EE | EE Series | Electrical Engineering : This group moved to Engineering division in 1961 Electrical Projects and Installation : EE group moved to PO Group in 1968 |
1954-1960 1964-1966 |
EI | EI Series | Ejection and Instrumentation : The group moved to BT group in 1982 | 1979-1981 |
EM | EM Series | Emulsion | 1958-1960 |
EN | EN Series | Engineering | 1955-1960 |
ENS | ENS Series | Electronics News Sheet | 1957-1958 |
Energy | Energy Series | Energy Reports - Comité d'Energie | 1980-1987 |
EP | EP Series | Experimental Planning MU-Experimental Planning (See MU) |
1959-1964 1965-1972 |
FES | FES Series | Fast Ejection System | 1969-1973 |
GE | GE Series | General | 1958-1959 |
HBC | HBC Series | Hydrogen Bubble Chamber : This group moved to Track Chambers (TC) division in 1960 | 1958-1959 |
HI | HI Series | Hadron Injector : This group corresponds to the fusion of Booster and Linac groups in 1988 | 1988-1996 |
HP | HP Series | Hadron Production | 1997-1999 |
LEA/LEAR | LEA/LEAR Series | Low Energy Antiproton Ring : LEA group moved to AR (Antiproton Rings) group in 1988 | 1982-1987 |
LI/LIN LR/LRF Series |
Linear Accelerator (LINAC) group fusioned in 1988 with Booster group to form HI group Linac 1 : 1958 - 1992 - Linac 2 : 1978 - 2018 |
1953-1987 |
LP/LPI | LP/LPI Series | Lepton Pre-Injector, 1982-1987 Lepton Injector, 1988 Lepton Production, 1989-2000 |
1982-2000 |
MA | MA Series | Magnet | 1955-1959 1964-1967 1973 |
MD | MD Series | Machine Development | 1969-1986 |
ME | ME Series | Mechanical Engineering | 1958-1959 |
MG | MG Series | Machine Group : This group had many sub-groups, but these one continued to publish under their own codification (e.g. PS-LIN insteas PS-MG-LIN) MG, MG-GL, MG-RF, MG-CO, MG-LI, MG-POW, MG-VA, MG-AL |
1959-1960 |
ML | ML Series | Mechanical : ML Group moved to MT (Mechanical Technologies division) in 1990 | 1955 1967-1989 |
MM | MM Series | Magnets Measurements | 1954-1960 |
MS | MS Series | MS Group | 1966 |
MU | MU Series | Machine Utilisation : MU group became EA group in in 1985. This group had many sub-groups (MU-VA, MU-S, MU-ED...) | 1964-1984 |
NP | NP Series | Nuclear Physics | 1957-1959 |
NUFACT | NUFACT Series | Neutrino-Factory, NF | 1999-2002 |
OP | OP Series | Operation : From CO group | 1974-2002 |
PA | PA Series | Proton Synchrotron Ring and Areas : This group was created by the fusion of PSR and EA groups | 1988-1996 |
PO/POW | PO/POW Series | Power : This group received the ED group in 1982 | 1960-2002 |
PP | PP Series | Particle Production | 2000-2002 |
PSO | PSO Series | Proton Synchrotron Operation | 1959-1960 |
PSR | PSR Series | Proton Synchrotron Ring : PSR fusioned to EA group to form PA in 1988 | 1982-1987 |
RF | RF Series | Radio Frequency : RF group moved to to SR group in 1968 | 1955-1967 1982-2002 |
SA | SA Series | Services Administratifs | 1982-1987 |
SC | SC Series | Synchrotron-Cyclotron | 1982-1990 |
SE | SE Series | Separators Group | 1959 |
SM | SM Series | Synchrotron Magnets : The SM group moved to PSR group in 1982 | 1974-1981 |
SR | SR Series | Synchrotron Ring : The SR group moved to AE and SM groups in 1974 | 1968-1973 |
VA | VA Series | Vacuum Engineering : The VA group moved to MU group in 1964 | 1955-1956 1960-1964 |
TH | TH Series | Theory | 1955-1959 |
1st-PS Doc | 1st-PS Series | 1st_PS Documents | 1952-1953 |
Authors | Authors Series | by Author | 1952-1958 |
PS-Bulletin Info | PS-Bulletin-Info Series | PS Bulletin Information N°1 to 108 | 1976-1999 |
PS Staff Meetings | PS-Staff-Meeting Series | PS Staff Meetings N°1 to 118 | 1952-1959 |
MOC | MOC Series | Machine Operation Committee (MOC) | 1958-1959 |
Parameters Committee | Parameters Committee Series | Parameters Committee | 1954-1957 |
ICM | ICM Series | Installation Committee | 1958-1959 |
RIC | RIC Series | Running-in Committee (RIC) | 1958-1960 |
History of PS groups
Machine Group | Apparatus Layout | PS-MG-AL | 1959-1960 |
MPS Division | MPS-AL | 1961-1964 | |
MPS Division | Machine Utilisation | MPS-MU | 1964-1975 |
PS Division | PS-MU | 1976-1984 | |
Experimental Areas | PS-EA | 1985-1987 | |
PS Ring and Areas | PS-PA | 1988-1996 | |
Circular Accelerators and Areas | PS-CA | 1997-2000 | |
Accelerators and Experimental Areas | PS-AE | 2000-2002 |
PS Division | Beam Diagnostics | PS-BD | 1991-2002 |
PS Division | Electrical Engineering (inc. Controls) | PS-EE | 1955-1955 |
Engineering (Controls, Electrical, Mechanical, Drawing Office) | PS-EN | 1956-1956 | |
Engineering (Controls, Vacuum, Electrical, Mechanical, Drawing Office) | PS-ENG | 1957-1957 | |
Electrical Engineering (Power, Controls) | PS-EE | 1958-1958 | |
Machine Group | Controls | MG-CO | 1959-1960 |
MPS Division | Controls | MPS-CO | 1961-1973 |
Computer Controls & Instrumentation | MPS-CCI | 1974-1975 | |
PS Division | Computer Controls & Instrumentation | PS-CCI | 1976-1978 |
Controls | PS-CO | 1979-2002 |
PS Division | Direction | PS-DIR | 1955-1958 |
Machine Group | Group Leader's Office | MG-GL | 1959-1960 |
MPS Division | Divisional Leader's Office | MPS-DL | 1961-1961 |
Divisional Leader's Office - General Studies | MPS-DL | 1961-1963 | |
Divisional Leader's Office and Mechanical Section | MPS-DL | 1964-1967 | |
Divisional Leader's Office | MPS-DL | 1968-1975 | |
PS Division | Divisional Leader's Office | PS-DL | 1976-1982 |
Administrative Services | PS-SA | 1983-1983 | |
Divisional Leader's Office | PS-DL | 1984-1987 | |
Direction | PS-DI | 1988-1999 | |
Divisional Resources | PS-DR | 2000-2002 |
PS Division | Electrical Engineering (inc. Controls) | PS-EE | 1955 |
Engineering(Controls, Electrical, Mechanical, Drawing Office) | MG-ENG | 1956 | |
Engineering (Controls, Vacuum, Electrical, Mechanical, Drawing Office) | MPS-ENG | 1957 | |
Electrical Engineering (Power, Controls) | MPS-EE | 1958 | |
Machine Group | Controls | MG-CO | 1959-1960 |
MPS Division | Controls | MPS-CO | 1961-1973 |
MPS Division | Operation | MPS-OP | 1974-1975 |
PS Division | Operation | PS-OP | 1976-2002 |
PS Group | Linac | PS-LIN | 1953-1954 |
PS Division | 1955-1958 | ||
Machine Group | MG-LIN | 1959-1960 | |
MPS Division | MPS-LIN | 1961-1975 | |
PS Division | Linac | PS-LIN | 1976-1979 |
Linac and Radio-Frequency | PS-LR | 1980-1981 | |
Linac | PS-LI | 1982-1987 | |
Hadron Injector | PS-HI | ||
Hadron Production | PS-HP | ||
Particle Production | PS-PP |
POWER | |||
PS Division | Electrical Engineering (inc. Controls) | PS-EE | 1955 |
Engineering(Controls, Electrical, Mechanical, Drawing Office) | MG-ENG | 1956 | |
Engineering (Controls, Vacuum, Electrical, Mechanical, Drawing Office) | MPS-ENG | 1957 | |
Electrical Engineering (Power, Controls) | MPS-EE | 1958 | |
Machine Group | Power | MG-PO | 1959-1960 |
MPS Division | Power (PO Group recieved the EE Group in 1968) | MPS-POW | 1961-1975 |
MPS Division | Electrical Development | MPS-ED | 1964-1975 |
PS Division | Power | PS-PO | 1976-1981 |
Electrical Development | PS-ED | 1976-1981 | |
Power (PO Group received ED Group in 1982) | PS-PO | 1982-2002 |
PS Group | Radio-Frequency | 1953-1954 | |
PS Division | PS-RF / PS-LRF | 1955-1958 | |
Machine Group | MG-RF | 1959-1960 | |
MPS Division | MPS-RF | 1961-1967 | |
Synchrotron Ring | MPS-SR | 1968-1973 | |
Acceleration & Ejection | MPS-AE | 1974-1975 | |
PS Division | PS-AE | 1976-1978 | |
Ejection and Instrumentation | PS-EI | 1979-1981 | |
Radio-Frequency | PS-RF | 1982-2002 |
VACUUM | |||
PS Division | Vacuum | PS-VA | 1955-1956 |
Vacuum (In 1957 VA was integrated into Engineering group) | 1958 | ||
Machine Group | Vacuum | MG-VA | 1959-1960 |
PS Division | Vacuum | MPS-VA | 1961-1964 |
MPS-MU-V | 1965-1966 | ||
MPS Division | Mechanical / Vacuum Section | MPS-ML-V | 1967-1969 |
Mechanical | CERN-MPS-ML | 1970-1975 | |
PS Division | Mechanical | CERN-PS-ML | 1976-1989 |
PS Division | Antiproton Accumulator | PS-AA | 1979-1987 |
Low Energy Antiproton Ring | PS-LEA | 1982-1987 | |
Antiproton Rings | PS-AR | 1988-1996 | |
Hadron Production | PS-HP | 1997-2000 |
Ex-BOOSTER | |||
MPS Division | B Serie | DL-B, MA-B, CO-B, MU-B, ML-B, RF-B, ED-B | 1966-1967 |
SI Division | Synchrotron Injector Division (SI) in the PS Department
SI-* | 1968-1972 |
MPS-SI-* | |||
MPS Division | Booster | MPS-BR | 1973 |
Booster Ring | MPS-BR | 1974-1975 | |
PS Division | Booster Ring | PS-BR | 1976-1978 |
Booster | PS-BR | 1979-1987 | |
Hadron Injector | PS-HI | 1988-1996 | |
Hadron Production | PS-HP | 1997-2000 |
MPS Division | Electrical Development | MPS-ED | 1966-1975 |
PS Division | Electrical Development | PS-ED | 1976-1981 |
Transferred to PO group in 1982 |
MPS Division | Electrical Projects and Installation | MPS-EE | 1964-1966 |
Transferred to PO group in 1967 |
PS Division | Lepton Pre-Injector | PS-LPI | 1982-1987 |
Lepton Injector | PS-LP | 1988-1988 | |
Lepton Production | PS-LP | 1989-2000 | |
Transferred to AE, RF, PP groups in 2000 |
Last modified
16 October, 2024