International Relations Sector (IR), 2016-Present

C. Warakaulle

In 2016, the CERN Management changed and adopted a new organizational structure.

CERN activities were regrouped into four sectors:

   • Accelerator and Technology (ATS)
   • Finance and Human Resources (FHR)
   • International Relations (IR)
   • Research and Computing (RCS)

The International Relations sector (IR) was responsible for contributing to and implementing the international relations strategy of the Organization, including: strengthening cooperation between CERN and its Member States; enhancing links with Associate Member States and Non-Member States; implementing CERN’s geographical enlargement policy; promoting the mission of the Organization through education, communication and outreach activities; and building partnerships with international organisations and other relevant stakeholders.

The IR sector comprised the following units:

   • Member States
   • Associate and Non-Member States
   • International Organisations
   • Other Stakeholders

   • Education, Communication, Outreach (ECO)

Last modified
18 July, 2020