News | Open Science

CERN/NASA Summit: “Accelerating the Adoption of Open Science”

In celebration of the 2023 Year of Open Science, CERN and NASA are jointly organizing “Accelerating...

5 April, 2023

CERN supports open access publishing for books

CERN is moving one step closer to achieving full open access for academic books in high-energy physics and related disciplines by participating in the SCOAP3 for books initiative

Ever since the open access (OA) publication of peer-reviewed primary research articles from CERN...

20 December, 2022

Want to learn more about Open Access at CERN?

Don’t miss CERN’s first ever Open Access Week from 24 to 28 October 2022!

Since 2014 CERN has had an established policy that requires that all peer-reviewed primary research...

14 October, 2022

CERN revises its Open Access Policy

A revised of the CERN Open Access Policy was approved by Director-General Fabiola Gianotti on 25 May...

8 June, 2021