Engineering Department (EN), 2009 - Present

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V. Vuillemin

In 2009 the CERN Management adoptes a new organizational structure.

The Accelerators & Beams (AB) and Accelerator Technology (AT) departments, as well as some groups from Technical Services (TS) Department, were grouped into the Accelerators and Technology Sector. This Sector was re-organised into three departments:

The mandate of the Engineering department is two-fold:

  • Provide CERN wide engineering support for the technical infrastructure, the accelerators and experiments
  • be directly responsible for technical coordination in the accelerators and experiments, as well as for equipments, and develop and compute radiations effects with FLUKA, radiations tests for accelerators electronics.

The EN Groups are :

  • CV - Cooling & ventilation
  • GMS - General management & Safety
  • ICE - Industrial Controls & Electronics
  • MEF - Machine & Experimental facilities
  • MME - Mechanical & Materials Engineering
  • STI - Sources, Targets & Interactions
  • EL - Electrical Engineering
  • HE - Handling Engineering

In 2016 with the appointment of a new Director-General, the CERN management reorganised some sectors. The Engineering Department structure remained unchanged and part of the Accelerators and Technology Sector.

R. Saban


R. Losito
2021 K. Foraz
Access to fulltexts of reports : 2009  2010  
Last modified
4 January, 2021